Now Customised Fruit Baskets for Gifting & Special Occasions! Trusted 3rd Year of Customer Service !
For same day delivery pls call 9971760666. Please Order Before 10pm for next Day Delivery. Minimum Order of ₹1000 for Gurugram, Delhi, Gr Noida, Ghaziabad, ₹500 for Noida, Indrapuram, Noida West. Only Online Payments Accepted !

Delivery Information

Nisarga Natural Foods adopts stringent measures when it comes to safety. We have well-defined norms on delivery, for our customers, our vendors, our employees or third-party delivery tie-ups.

All parts of our delivery chain are monitored regularly for smooth functioning to maintain hygiene and personal factors. We deliver all Hydroponic greens in such a way that they are harvested and delivered on the same day within 24 Hrs.

We insist that the delivered material is collected and checked within 2 hours of delivery and stored in a cool place. Since it involves Green leaves it is imperative that proper care is taken, sprinkling the leaves with water to make them fresh and usable as they may wilt due to high temperature. 

Minimum Order Value for delivery to happen after confirmation of payment and availability of standard material is as under for various locations ( Nisarga Natural Foods LLP reserves the right to change this without prior information from time to time) 1 Noida Rs 299, Ghaziabad Indrapuram Rs 500, Vaishali, Extension etc Rs 1000, Noida West Rs 500, Gr Noida Rs 1000, Delhi Rs 1000, Gurgaon Rs 1000, Gurgaon Sohna Road and beyond Rs 1500.

In case of any complaint, suggestion or shortcomings kindly appraise us at or call 9971760666.

Due to Covid -19 related restrictions on the movement in the city by Local Administration, your deliveries might get hampered and delayed. Service Guarantee of 24 Hrs will not be applicable. We regret the inconvenience caused.